/ For construction companies and individuals

Construction surveying

Staking, as-built surveys, and volume calculations for roads, railways, buildings, and utility lines. We use the following equipment:

Major clients

Verston Ehitus OÜ, GRK Infra AS, Trev-2 Grupp AS, Tref AS, Viaston Infra OÜ, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS, Nordecon AS, Gotrack OÜ, KMG Inseneriehituse AS

/ For railway construction companies

Construction surveying on railways

Staking and as-built surveys for railways. We use the following equipment:

The Trimble Gedo Track system enables 3D designs to be used for track staking, and also automatically provides WinALC files for tamping machines.

Major clients

Gotrack OÜ, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS, Polarwerk


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