/ For construction companies and individuals
Staking, as-built surveys, and volume calculations for roads, railways, buildings, and utility lines. We use the following equipment:
Verston Ehitus OÜ, GRK Infra AS, Trev-2 Grupp AS, Tref AS, Viaston Infra OÜ, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS, Nordecon AS, Gotrack OÜ, KMG Inseneriehituse AS
/ For railway construction companies
Staking and as-built surveys for railways. We use the following equipment:
The Trimble Gedo Track system enables 3D designs to be used for track staking, and also automatically provides WinALC files for tamping machines.
Gotrack OÜ, Merko Ehitus Eesti AS, Polarwerk